Sunday 30 January 2011

For Your Consideration - The Oscars

To predict the outcome of the Oscars at a time when I've only seen half of the nominated films is a guaranteed way to end up looking stupid come February 27th. So here goes...

Best Picture
'The Social Network'
It seems like it's just me who didn't get this film. An average cast playing horrible characters in a film that people only went to see because it had the word ' Facebook' associated with it.
*The award should go to 'Inception', obviously the best film last year. It redefined the 'blockbuster' and proved that studios have no excuse for churning out the same old special effects focused action films to make their money back.

Best Actor
Colin Firth for 'The King's Speech'
I reviewed this a week ago or so, and Firth is absoulutely brilliant.

Best Actress
Natalie Portman for 'Black Swan'
Haven't seen it yet, but I will. I'm only saying Portman because she's currently winning best actress awards left, right and centre.
*Again, I haven't seen it yet, but I hear good things about Michelle Williams in 'Blue Valentine'. Expect a review at some point.

Supporting Actor
Geoffrey Rush for 'The King's Speech'
Another fantastic performance in a film that relys on it.
*It would be great to see Christian Bale get the award for 'The Fighter'. With the back cataogue he has, he's been grossly overlooked in the past. He only got his first Golden Globe for this performance the other week.

Supporting Actress
Melissa Leo for 'The Fighter'
It might help if the films the best supporting actress nominations came from had been released yet, so I could go on something other than the fact Melissa Leo won the Golden Globe for this role.

Best Director
David Fincher for 'The Social Network'
I believe I've already made my opinion clear about this film.
*Not nominated, but Christopher Nolan for 'Inception'. I can't believe he isn't even nominated. He expertly handled two storylines, four or more levels of a dream sequence and some of the best fight sequences you will ever see.

Not long to go now to see if I'm right. Please use the comment section below to let me know what you think of my picks, let me know yours and if you want me to, I'll explain why your all wrong about The Social Network.

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