Monday 17 January 2011

Rating System - Explaining Myself

Just so there's no confusion as to what I think about the films I'm reviewing, I'm going to explain how I rate a film.

I find it easier to mark things out of 5. It just requires less effort than, out of 10, and helps prevent me rating everything as a 7. And 6 out of 10 just seems so much harsher than 3 stars. Also, I feel that using an astericks doesn't look quite right. So for no reason other than It's my first initial, I'm using an E to represent one star. From all the characters I could have used, my inital seemed the most intuitive. So that's that.

Now, what each rating means:

E - The waste of time. And money.

EE - The almost. So much potential.

EEE - The Sunday afternoon filck. The cinematic equivalent of comfort food.

EEEE - The movie you should see. Settle yourself in for an emotional journey.

EEEEE - The absolute, must see. True cinematic perfection.

Hopefully, now a quick glance at my rating will help you understand what I was hoping to get out of the film. And you'll be able to see if your taste in movies matches my own.
Coming soon: reviews of 127 Hours and The King's Speech.

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