Thursday 6 January 2011

First movie of the Year - TRON: Legacy

Starting with a lie, but oh well. This is actually my last movie of 2010, but as i haven't yet been to the cinema this year, i have nothing else to review.

Director: Joseph Kosinski
Strarring: Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, Bruce Boxleitner, Michael Sheen
Rating: EEE

From what I gather this film was generated, to some extent, by interest in a teaser trailer tested at a ComicCon type event. Might have even been ComicCon. Regardless, there was enough buzz to justify rebooting the 1982 cult classic.
A brief plot summary:
Protagonist in the first film, Kevin Flynn (Bridges) dissappears one night leaving his son Sam (Hedlund) fatherless for 20 years. It later transpires Kevin Flynn had been digitalising himself into a computer in an attempt to make the perfect world. To help with his plan he created a computer program called Clu in his own image and had his old mate Tron (Babylon 5's Bruce Boxleitner) another program, introduced in the first film. However, when Clu's idea of perfection clashes with Flynn's, Clu takes control of the digital world, trapping Flynn in the computer.
Flynn's son Sam upon recieving a page from his fathers old office, also digitises himself into the computer, or "The Grid", and before finding his father must participate in a deadly game of frisbee and challenge Clu to a lightcycle battle. Some fantastic looking set pieces.
Sam, rescued from this battle by Quorra (Wilde), the last of a race of self produced programs Clu is intent on destroying, who is helping Flynn Snr.
After father and son reunite, Sam vows to get back to the real world to delete Clu and release Flynn Snr. Flynn Snr. cannot return to the grid for fear Clu might obtain his Disc and use it to take his armies into the real world.

The structure closely follows the original: Digitise into computer, whats going on?, play some games, escape, exposition, get back home. However the graphics, as you would expect are far more advanced, except Clu's face, and the lightcycle/ lightplane sequences are truely a visual feast. Daft Punk provide an amazingly atmospheric soundtrack, suiting the cool style of the film perfectly. It would have been nice to see more of Michael Sheen's David Bowie impression and Cillian Murphey only has 5 seconds screen time, which is more than Tron, but I still enjoyed it. Yes the plots a bit ropey and you can see the twists coming a mile off, but theres enough action sequences and good preformances to see you through. Just like the original, and maybe because of it, I have a certain fondness for TRON: Legacy even if it some of it is in 3D.


  1. Are the E's at the start like stars out of 10 or out of 5.

    I thought the film was quite dull

  2. The E's are like stars out of 5. I just thought *** looked a bit rubbish. Also i have the option to rate things like EEEe if something is better than 3 stars, but not quite good enough to justify 4.
    I'll do a post explaining my E scheme in more detail at some point.
