Friday 15 April 2011

Girl Power - Sucker Punch

I saw this about two weeks ago but haven’t written a review until now, so some things might be a little hazy.

Director: Zach Snyder
Starring: Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Chung, Carla Gugino, Oscar Isaac, Jon Hamm, Scott Glenn
Rating: EEe

Normally now I give a little detail of the plot, just to give an idea of what the movie is about. But with Sucker Punch, there’s really no point. It’s not a movie about deep character development, or a sentimental story of overcoming adversity. It’s hot girls kicking butt.

Once again Snyder gives us a pseudo comic book action movie which like in the vein of 300, has a vague storyline only as an excuse to introduce the next fight sequence. Actually however, to tell you about the awesome fight sequences I will need to discuss some very basic plot points.

In a stunning opening scene we are introduced to Baby Doll (Browning) as she attempts to protect her little sister from an abusive step-father, or is it priest? Here Snyder shows what a great director he can be. As I remember it there is no sound, just music used to build the tension. Anyway, this sequence culminates in Baby Doll being taken to a mental asylum, or is it a brothel? Where she meets Sweet Pea, Rocket, Blondie and Amber (Cornish, Malone, Hudgens and Chung), and the five scantily clad girls must escape from Gugino and Isaac (I forget their character names) before the arrival of Jon Hamm (again, I’ve no idea of the character name).

So Baby Doll hatches a plan to collect five objects which will help the five girls escape form the asylum or was it brothel. If you weren’t already confused, you will be now. Baby Doll dances to distract medical staff/ pervy men while the other girls collect the items. However, what the audience sees is an almost metaphorical fight sequence where, under the guidance of Scott Glenn, the girls take on giant samurai, clockwork Nazis, goblins and iRobots.
Who is Scott Glenn meant to be!?
Snyder: “Don’t worry about that, look at the hot girls!”

The whole film is visually spectacular, so why a rating of 2 and a half? Well, I can accept the faults with the plot because that’s not why I’m watching the film. But the trouble comes from the action sequences. Baby Doll and her gang scythe through bad guys with such ease the eventually it all becomes a bit boring, you don’t feel like the girls are in any danger. However, Snyder gets the extra half mark for making the right move at the right time.
It’s just a shame that when the fight scenes are over, we have to go back to the is it a brothel, is it an asylum, who was that guy form the start rubbish and the whole ending falls apart.

Still though, I’m glad I watched it (It was a last second substitution after Source Code sold out while I was in the ticket queue) and I’ll be looking out for it on DVD.

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